Tonight I'm worried sick because my beloved yorkie dog is very sick.
My family and I have just moved into our new home, Castle Lakie. In the moving process we were too distracted and irresponsible to notice that our new home wasn't yet puppy-proofed. Some time Sunday, Clancey managed to eat three harmful things.
Harmful thing #1: Dump mud. Yeah, you heard me right. Dump mud. After a visit to the dump, my brother and father tracked their muddy boots into the house. The same dirty boots that recently trod through the city Landfill. Glorious. Clancey got it in his puppy mind that he wanted to lick up those muddy footprints, because you know- he's helpful around the house, that was his way of washing the floors.
Harmful thing #2: Unidentified object. My brother walked into the living room just in time to see Clancey crunching away on a mystery object. Lil bro ran over to the dog to try to pry this item from his mouth, but Clancey saw it coming and quickly swallowed.
Harmful thing #3: A vinyl basket handle: Clancey meandered into the guest room where he stumbled upon a glorious new chew thing: a vinyl basket handle! Clancey consumed a chunk or two of chewed off material before my mother discovered his new victim and interrupted his snack time. Might I add that all of this occurred while I was at work.
Mom noticed him acting funny, unable to get comfortable and obsessively licking himself. He later collapsed and proceeded to quiver and shake. When I got home from work I was very worried about him. I knew right away that I was taking him to the vet. In the car we went, and half an hour later we in the 24 hr pet hospital. The lobby was absolutely crammed, full of people and their pets. Clancey was seen by a wonderful woman named Dr.F. The vet gave Clancey a physical exam before I decided that I wanted an X-Ray done. He was hooked up to fluids and pain killers, and did the X-ray like a good boy. Results showed that his body is filled with gas. His colon and tummy were distended with gas, and a slightly concerning bubble in his small intestine. I brought Clancey back home, and watched in horror as his condition began to deteriorate. Clancey was given too high a dosage of pain killers, and he was unresponsive and unable to hold himself up. My poor puppy was drooling profusely and didn't have the strength to hold his ears erect. After midnight, while writing this post actually, I looked over at my sleeping buddy and felt my heart stop and my blood run cold. He looked dead. He was so still and he wasn't warm. I freaked out and began to shake him, saying his name and trying to stimulate him. Nothing. Seriously, he was nearly catatonic. I panicked and got my bro to wrap him up in a blanket and we rushed him back to the vet. The vet kept Clancey over night and gave him drugs to counteract the opiates that had him so out of it. I really feared for my little buddy's life. I got four hours of sleep then returned to the vet a few hours later to pick him back up.
After bringing him home he started to have diarrhea with blood in it. My father and I proceeded to take Clancey to a different vet hospital (we're not so happy with how Clancey was taken care of at the first location).
We've been at the vet's all goddamn day and I'm absolutely beats they're keeping Clancey over night and administering fluids and antibiotics via IV.
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He's behaving like such a good boy |
Clancey hasn't been showing many signs of improving, we went to visit the little guy at the vet's today. He perked right up when he saw us, and even began to eat (which he hadn't done his entire stay at the hospital). We were so thrilled that he consumed a bit of chicken baby food (Clancey is a chicken fiend) that dad went to Safeway and bought a whole rotisserie chicken and brought it back to the vet's. Clancey's glee over his gourmet dinner was beyond adorable. He sat that cute little yorkie bum on my leg and allowed my mom to hand feed him fresh, warm rotisserie chicken. He then got a good drink of water out of a cup, and was ready for a nap.
When it was time for us to go home, Clancey started to have a bit of a meltdown. He absolutely didn't want to be separated from us, and began to shake when he was handed back over to the tech. That was so hard for us, and I grew a lump in my throat as the tech took him away.
Tonight Clancey will have a test done to check his cortisone levels, and he's staying another night at the hospital. We're sincerely hoping that we will be able to take him home tomorrow.
Please keep my beloved Wolf Kitten in your thoughts!
Please keep my beloved Wolf Kitten in your thoughts!
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