Wednesday, May 20, 2015

It's inevitable now...

Hello, everyone. 

Those who have followed my blog posts regarding my illness have come to learn that I have been booked to have a colonoscopy. I was referred for this procedure in February, and just last week I met with the doctor that will be doing my procedure. Because my surgery is dependant on the results of my colonoscopy, I've gotten in stat and the official date of my hell procedure is June 18th. 

I am less than excited. As you can imagine, I'm not very excited to go to the hospital only to be violated by a probe up my butt. NOT COOL, MAN. 
And now for some colonoscopy humour:

Is this all TMI? Yes, I do think so. But here's the thing. I'm having a colonoscopy because I have a disease called Endometriosis. My Endometriosis is aggressive and extensive, and it has spread throughout my pelvis and onto my bowels. I will be having surgery with a gynaecological urologist because my doctors suspect the endometriosis has infiltrated my bladder and/or ureter. 
So yes, sharing with you all that I'm going in for a colonoscopy is a little bit TMI (frankly I'm not too proud to declare to the internet that I'll be having a probe up my butt) but the thing is, I want to raise awareness for endometriosis. I want everyone to know that this disease isn't just bad cramps, and that it has detrimental effects on the rest of the body.

So while I wish to parade about my specialist's office with a picket sign that says "NOT FAIR" I realize that I'm saddled with a disease without a cure and that's just the way it is. I can learn to manage my pain, but for now, that's about all I can do. 

Have you had an experience with a colonoscopy? If you have, feel free to share in the comment section below!

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