Good evening beautiful people! How is everyone?
I'm feeling a whole bunch of things right now... Like, I've felt either ends of the spectrum. I had a total of 3 mental breakdowns today, but I also had an amazing and memorable evening. Allow me to elaborate.
My first and dearly beloved hamster, Sunny, is very sick right now. Sunny is my white and golden long haired Syrian hamster. I bought Sunny in 2013 from the pet store I used to work at.
Look at that cute face!!! |
Since bringing him home, I've learned that Sunny has chronic respiratory problems, likely athsma. My poor little guy had a weakened immune system and catches my colds. He's sensitive to temperature and humidity, and his athsma flares up when it gets dusty. I love my little "Sun-Buns", and I've been absolutely heart broken since he got sick again. It kills me to see him struggling to breathe and sneezing all the time. He's lost so much weight and his fur is all rumpled. I've been giving him antibiotics, and hand feeding him nutrient and calorie rich foods, like egg, yogurt, spray millet, and lettuce. His condition seems to improve, then it quickly declines and I fear for his little life. Then he'll pick back up again and I feel optimistic. I really hope that he'll pull through. I don't want to have to make the decision to put him down. It's such a heartbreaking thought and it's had me emotionally wrecked all day.
I had three breakdowns, the first occurring on my way to work. While on the phone with my boyfriend, I just burst into tears and bawled about how much I didn't want to go to work. When I finally did get to work and I saw how much stock came in, I burst into tears again. I looked at the towers of 30LB dog food bags and wept like a child. Later that afternoon Sunny was on my mind and I was scared that he had passed away while I was at work, then what I would have to do if he didn't get better. So I cried and then my nose bled.
I did get to leave work early, which was fantastic. I stopped by michael's arts and crafts store, to try to cheer myself up. I love making scrapbooks, and I have this unhealthy addiction to scrapbooking stickers. So I spent some time picking out stickers and I started to feel a bit better. In the meantime, I discovered that my favourite scrapbooks are on buy one get one. I wanted to get the lilac coloured one and a black one soooo bad. But I didn't really want to pay $30 bucks. The struggle. Next I went to homesense and bought a mirror for my makeup vanity. I also sent to Pet Smart and bought this adorable little fleece blankie for Sunny. It's baby blue and so comfy. I figured it would be a cozy little blankie to wrap him up in while he gets his antibiotics and hand feedings.
Christ almighty! Castle Lakie has the worst internet ever. Like it takes a solid five minutes to send a tweet. I'm trying to look up funny pictures but I can just go ahead and forget about that idea because it'll take a hundred damn years to load.
Sorry guys, if this post makes no sense whatsoever I apologize. This is me right now:
I'm in no state to be blogging. OH WELL.
The highlight of my day was finally moving the horses so Castle Lakie. Scooter and Bella are happy as clams and I can't freakin believe that my horse is in my yard! This is a dream come true!
To celebrate, I drank a glass of wine while sitting on my horse, Scooter. Then I rode Bella, my mom's horse. What a great evening!
My pain has been so bad lately. Last night it woke me up and kept me up. The pain was so much I couldn't get up to get some water to take my pills with. So I suffered until I managed to nod off again. Lifting all that heavy dog food at work really isn't doing me any good. So that brings me to where I am now... In bed, high as a kite, blogging.
As of right now, the way I'm seeing things, Sunny is alive, Scooter is in my yard, so life is good.
Good night Everyone!