Friday, April 10, 2015

My Chronic Illness, Illustrated

Back in September, I composed a delightful post titled My Chronic Illness: A Visual Journey. My struggle with Endometriosis effects many aspects of my life. Even though it's been a hellish ride and I struggle to keep it together sometimes, I always try to keep a sense of humor. Laughter is so very important! I'm not so sure about the whole "laughter is the best medicine" bit, but I do know for a fact that it helps with the healing.

Since I published my 30 Day Invisible Illness Challenge, I have been flooded with love and support from friends and loved ones. Unfortunately, my daily ordeals with this disease aren't limited to the month of March. It's year-round. And in this post, I want to detail every day life with a painful, incurable disease-- and I want to make it funny. So, without further ado...

My Chronic Illness: A Visual Journey Part 2

1.) When I realize that I have to go to work/school but I'm sore and tired: 

2.) When a doctor asks if I'll let him/her do a pelvic exam:

3.) When I start bleeding unexpectedly and remember I'm wearing nice panties:

4.) Trying to stick to the Endometriosis Diet: 

(and then one day later...) 

5.) Just when I think I'm starting to get better: 

6.) When a nurse asks if I'm ready to have an IV line put in: 

(but in reality) 

7.) When my pain killers aren't working so I mix a few:

8.) That time my doctor removed my IUD, injected botox into my abdomen and vajayjay, and then stabbed an intramuscular injection into my arm all in one miserable appointment:

 9.)When I'm camped out in the living room with painkillers, a heating pad, and snacks:

10.) When an awful pain flare sneaks up on me:

11.) When my boyfriend forces me to eat breakfast even though I'm nauseous

12.) After I cook a big dinner for company:

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