Day Thirty
The fact that you're reading this list makes me feel...
Loved and supported
Thank you so much, to all of you who joined me in the month of March for the 30 Day Invisible Illness Challenge. I am humbled and blessed by your care and support.
It was hard to do this challenge, harder than I thought it would be. Through the challenge I felt a bit excited, a bit scared, and at times, I couldn't bear to hear myself talk about it anymore.
I am so happy that I was able to contribute to endometriosis awareness. You too, all of you, you are making a difference, simply by reading this blog.
Although the challenge is over, my struggle with the disease is not. I use my blog to vent about my daily struggles with the disease. All of you are invited to continue checking my blog at your leisure.
If you missed some posts, or would like to read my challenge from start to finish, you may click the "30 Day Challenge Tag" on the right hand portion of my website. You may also explore the "Endometriosis" or "Surgery" tab for more on life with this incurable disease.
Once again, thank you so much for your support. It means the world to me.
I would also like to extend a special thank you to:
My beloved David. I love you so much and you support me every single day. Thank you for coming to doctors appointments with me, thank you for carrying me to bed, thank you for waiting for me to get out of surgery, thank you for making my hot water bottle. Thank you for loving me.
You are my person. |
Spencer. You're the best brother a girl could ask for. It touched me deeply when you said "If I were a doctor, or a scientist, I would study endometriosis and I would find a cure." That still makes me tear up. You wear yellow every Thursday in support of raising awareness for this disease. I love you, Spence.
We are so obviously related. |
Steph. Thank you. You have proven to be such an amazing friend. Your unwavering support and care makes me feel supported and valued. You even put up with my needle stories, and we both know that's a big deal. You invite me into your home, make me feel comfortable, and I'm always happy to return the favor. I have really grown a love for you, Steph. I'm thankful for our friendship.
Brad. We don't ever talk about my disease, and I like that. But you and I chat about surgery sometimes and it' nice to have someone that I can relate to. Plus, you call my hilarious and that makes me feel good. Then you share the story about me running into a glass door and make every one laugh and it makes me blush.
My Mother and Father. Both of you are supportive and loving and for that I cannot say thank you enough. I love you both.
Bruce. You care, and I can tell. You've been supportive and for that I cannot thank you enough. You didn't need to be supportive, you didn't have to listen, and you sure as hell didn't have to read my blog. Thank you for caring about me and reading through this challenge.
Shaun. Your simple "I love you Danie" comment made me instantly cheer up. You're like a brother to me, and you were the best coworker. I miss you lots, Aussie boy.
You're the best, Shaunathan! |
Dominique. Thank you for reaching out to me on facebook even though I neglected you for over a year. I really do love and miss you. I'm jealous of your talent on horseback and I can't wait to ride with you again.
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I love you even after you tried biting my horse's ear off LOL |
Rachel. You also reached out to me, despite my neglecting you. I've been missing my gorgeous girlfriend since you moved to the east coast.
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You're amazing! |
Doc. You're not reading this, but thank you for all you've done for me. Thanks for being a complete goof. Thanks for saying dumb crap that makes me laugh, like that time you patted me on the shoulder and said: "I'm your drug man." Thank you for squeezing my foot before surgery and saying you would take good care of me. Thanks for holding my hand until the anesthetic took over. Oh, and thank you for assuring me that I'm not crazy. Still laughing that you prescribed sedatives on the down-low. I missed a shift at work because of that, by the way. You're the best, doc.
Thank you for protecting and guarding me when I'm sore. You always know when I'm not feeling well. I love you, Clancey. You're the best friend a girl could ask for.
You knew I was sick long before even I know it. Thank you for being so gentle and protective. You really truly are the love of my life. I love you, Scootie.
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